School doesn't have to be boring.

Welcome to the vibrant world of school life at OTO, where we believe in providing an enriching experience beyond academic studies. Our diverse range of activities, clubs, assemblies, and events foster a sense of community, personal growth, and engagement.

two boys in the outdoors

Putting wellbeing first.

At OTO, we believe that school life should be an enriching and holistic experience, nurturing not only academic growth but also personal development, social connections, and a sense of purpose. Join us and be part of a vibrant community where students can explore their interests, discover their passions, and build a foundation for a fulfilling future.

Turing Crew crest


At OTO, we understand the importance of belonging and forming meaningful connections. Our crews act as smaller, tight-knit communities where students find camaraderie, support, and a shared sense of purpose. Each crew is named after a remarkable individual who has left a lasting impact on the world, creating a sense of inspiration and motivation.


Clubs and Societies

We offer a wide array of clubs and societies that cater to diverse interests and passions. Whether your child is a chess enthusiast, a technology whiz, a budding actor, or a persuasive debater, there is a club to suit every learner. Our clubs provide a platform for students to explore their interests, develop new skills, and build lifelong friendships.

online video call


Assemblies are special occasions where we bring our students together to foster collaboration, interaction, and knowledge sharing. These gatherings serve as valuable opportunities to engage with guest speakers, showcase student achievements, and delve into important topics that broaden horizons and spark intellectual curiosity.

outdoor trip adventure


From whole-school online events that bring our global community together to smaller in-person meet-ups, we organize a variety of events that promote social connections and celebrate our collective achievements. These events provide an avenue for students to showcase their talents, express their creativity, and build lasting memories.

community garden

Community Service

Community service is an integral aspect of life at OTO. We encourage our students to actively participate and contribute to their local and global communities. Through service initiatives, students develop empathy, compassion, and a sense of responsibility towards others. Engaging in community service fosters personal growth, social awareness, and the development of valuable life skills.

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Learning Platform


The School Day



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