Welcome to GCSEs at OTO. A programme that inspires wonder and fuels success.

student studying at desk

GCSEs the OTO Way

Though it might seem like GCSEs are the only goal, there is so much more to OTO then just exams. In fact, many of us believe that good exams results results are often just one of the by-products of a good education. We still stay true to our principles for our GCSE curriculum and approach these two years with the same focus on projects, real-world learning, exploration and fun that makes OTO special.

Student learning at computer

Our Approach

Our learning approach combines cutting-edge virtual learning technology with the very best teachers and mentors. We use a mix of live lessons, flipped learning, engaging projects and more.

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Curriculum and Subjects

Just like in Lower Secondary, learners in GCSE study through Projects, Heart, Big Questions and Pursuits that cover Maths, English, and Science. In addition to these subjects, learners can also study optional subjects from the arts to the humanities to the languages. At OTO, we don't put any pressure on students to take a certain or minimum number of GCSEs - the choice is up to you and what you feel comfortable with. 

Just like in Lower Secondary, those in our GCSE programme can still experience expert-led "Pursuits" and "Big Questions" that run through the year and give learners a chance to dive into curated material from our teaching team on topics as diverse as "video game philosophy" and "cryptocurrency".

GCSEs at OTO are so much more than just about passing exams. Over the time spent on our GCSE programme, learners will leave with a wealth of key skills and knowledge that sets them up for further education, future employment and beyond.  


Start your OTO journey today!